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Sunday, September 22, 2013

The video consists of a contest held in Hannover, Germany in 2011. The contest centers around aquascaping of aquariums. Every tank is the same size and no one is allowed to use Co2 or fertilizers of any kind. The contestants are not permitted to use any fish because it is believed to take away from the beauty of the aquascape. I would love to visit this contest one year to learn from the masters in he field of planted aquariums. I hope one day to have a few tanks as beautiful as some of theses.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Welcome to my tropical fish paradise.  Here I will show off my many fish tanks and tropical fish.  I will also show step by steps to popular aquarium builds and DIY things.
 Here is a picture of my heavily high tech planted tank.  In the back ground you can see the injected O2 and C02.

Every plant in this tank is life and growing. I have two massive 6500k grow lights which sit atop the tank.

Here you can see the inject C02 moving back in forth on here.  The longer the C02 is in contact with the water the better it will absorb into the water.
Here is a short video of the CO2 in action.

  • Here is one of my 7 algae eaters.  They are called Otocinclu catfish.

In this picture you can see a few of my different types of tetras.  

Here is my latest project I just started a few months ago.  I am waiting for the plants to fill in before I start stocking my fish.

This is my 75g show tank in my living room of my house.  It has 4 bala sharks, 7 tiger barbs, 1 blue crayfish, 1 large 12'' pleco, and 4 giant dianios,

Here is my 12'' pleco
Here is bane my blue crayfish.