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Sunday, November 24, 2013

I went away for a few days and when I returned I the light timer had broke and was not turning off at its normal time. The result was the algae was out of control. To counter act the outbreak I started over dousing Excel (liquid Co2) and replaced the timer. I also added a new circulation pump to move the water better. I spent about an hour scraping the algae off the glass and filter. In a week or so it should be back to normal. The only problem is my beta does not like the new pump because he does not swim very fast and it blows him around. This is my 75g tank. I had to remove the wood which was inside because it was starting to break down and cloudy up the water. I kinda don't like the look of the tank because it does not look natural which is what I enjoy about fish tanks. I am not 100% sure what I am going to do in the future to fix the look of it. Another thing I am going to do for this 75g is build my 30 tank into a sump for it. It will most likely cost me around 100$ for the sump build including the pump.

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