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Thursday, October 17, 2013

Snail problem getting out of control.

So in the last full picture of my tank you can see a few snails clinging to things inside the tank but now they have taken over. When I awoke this morning I found about 25-30 just on the glass. After doing a little research I found out the best kinds of fish who enjoy eating the snails are, fresh water puffers, and clown Loaches. The problem with the puffer is he is very aggressive and won’t work with my peaceful Tetra’s. The problem with the loaches besides from them being $11 a piece they are very fragile fish which will die very quickly if the tank is not fully cycled. So I can’t add the loaches because the tank is not fully cycled but the longer I wait the most the snails reproduce. This tank needs to hurry up and cycles to I can add those fish and get the ball rolling on the extermination of those snails. I will add a picture as soon I have the time to show how the snail population.

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