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Sunday, October 13, 2013

So I had a awoke to a huge problem yesterday with my planted tank. I thought the tank was completely cycled but I must had added to many fish for the bio cycle to handed it. The result was a large ammonia spike killing off about half of the fish in the tank. Since I thought it was already cycled I was at a lost as to what had happened to the fish. I tested the water later in the day and found the ammonia was higher than it should be and the nitrate was not even reading. I preformed a large water change, about 50%,and put in my sponge filter from my 75 gallon. I also added a double dose of prime and beneficial bacteria by API. Another problem I am dealing with is the snail population it getting out of control. I was planning on purchasing some clown loaches to deal with the problem but they don't do well in a non-cycled tank. I am going to have to wait to add any more fish until this tank cycles. My LFS(local fish store)has clown loaches until the 20th so I hope my tank cycles quick since the loaches are half priced. To put in my sponge filter I had to replant one of my amazon sword plants and move one of my java ferns. I have still not found a new place for my java fern and it is just floating in the tank wanting for a new spot.

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